Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Friend Blog....

So I was once told that like most produce and fresh foods, friends sometimes come with expiration dates. I thought this ludicrous at first, but after my 28 years of living, I think this might be true... People come and people go, then people pop right back up again, but I truly believe they were brought into your life for a reason.

I just feel lately that I'm very disconnected with some of my friends. Ones that live far away and just around the corner. I feel like I'm losing grip on who my close friends are and if it's worth the effort.

I just feel like there is not enough time in the day to keep in contact with everyone I would like to keep in contact with, and even when you have really close friendships with someone, it just seems like over time, they can dwindle and even when you do talk to them, there seems to be not much to say, even though the world around yourself is changing.

I try to do my part... keep up with phone calls, facebook, email, even try to make dinner dates. Is it bad that I take it as a personal affront that some of my friends cancel on me.... again and again. Is it something is their or my conscience saying that our expiration date has or is about to arrive.

Sometimes I just want to give up on certain people, even though we have a history together. But it's hard trying to keep up with everyone's lives when it feels like they don't want to keep up with yours...

Hmmm.... food for thought.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Real Pain in the Ass... no pun intended....

Ok, so first and foremost, I would like to state that Mr. Hero is the devil.  Not really, because it is magically delicious, but because it also gave me explosive diarrhea. 

"Why the hell do we need to know that, Jimmie?"  Well good question... Because it is has been the center of my life for almost two weeks now!  Two Thursdays ago I thought it would be a grand idea to get Mr. Hero for lunch.  It was delicious, with their yummy waffle fries and the yummy cheese...  But it got me sick... very sick.  Sick enough to have such bad shits that I ripped me bum.  Thats right kids, Little Jimmie has a broken butthole!  I like to call it FB, short for flaming butthole.  And what NOT perfect timing.  I finally have a boyfriend that I can do dirty things with, but no, I'm broken!  (Thank God he is not only using me for my body, or I would be fucked... or not.... ) Thankfully he enjoys me for my intellectual mind and my witty banter!  

But though painful as this is (and I mean I pray to Baby Jesus every night for this nightmare to end... because seriously, I would not wish this upon my worst enemy!)  it is a little humorous.  I tend to be the butt of everyones jokes now.... literally!  Now I truly am a pain in the ass!  It got so bad I had to see a doctor and she had to put her finger up my butt.  I told her that usually someone buys me dinner before I let them do that.  Oh my, will the amusement never end!  

So in closing.  My words from the wise would be:  Careful what you eat, especially Mr. Hero, for though they may satisfy your loins for a brief moment... moments later they may tear open your asshole!  

And for those of you asking whether it was sex that did this  (Thank God after two years I finally got laid) the answer is no.  This happened at a later date and time from the "celestial awaking of the loinal gods." 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For real kids, I really am gay.. I do date guys!

Ok,  So I have had quite a few people wondering about my date(s).  So I thought, hello, I have technology, let me blog about it!  I know it has been a while, but Jimmie is busy and has had no social life till recently.

OK!  So here it goes.  Dr. Dick (and yes he is totally ok me/us calling him that!) texted me two Sundays ago.  We went out last Wed night and last Sunday.  Here is the scoop!!  The dates went GREAT!  I am still kind of in shock that there are smart, educated, witty gay men out there... I'm not alone... heyo!

We went to dinner both nights and talked... and talked and talked..  It was great!  His name is Dr. Richard Cowen and is a pediatric psychologist.  He teaches at Kent State, is part owner of a practice and is smart and a great conversationalist.  This one might be a keeper kids.  

So, we have the next few dates planned out, including Valentine's day.  Now, we both made it clear that we are not doing anything big, especially because we just started to see each other and do NOT want to rush into anything.  But I do have to say, this is the first time in like three years I have a date, I mean a real date, other than Jen.... though I love her, but she has a vagina, and we all know how I feel about those! So yes, I am quite excited to see where this goes. Though I do not want to jinx myself.  But Yay!!!

Things are going slow and we are not being very gay about things, and when I say gay, I mean we are not twinks trying to get our groove thang on.  He has been a gentleman, but even more amazing, so have I! :)  

So, needless to say, thank you everyone for being interested in this.  I know I don't date much and it is kinda nice to have something good to talk about.  I'm praying it keeps getting better!