Wednesday, December 17, 2008

All I want for Christmas is NOT my two front teeth, just a root canal!

So as of yet, December has been the costliest month to me this year, and possibly the past few years.  For some reason my money just seems to keep disappearing and my credit card is getting a very undeserved work out! 

So I was having dental problems and went in to get them checked.  I have tooth decay, about six cavities and I need a root canal and crown.  Oh, and I just saw my dentist 5 months ago... Obviously he missed something.  

So today I forked out half a grand to get my pearly whites back in shape and still need a root canal.  I wish I could have said that I don't brush or something for why I deserve this, but no.  I brush. I floss semi regularly.  I drink lots of water and cut back my sugar intake, but no.  I have about few grand worth of improvement to be done.  Thank God for dental insurance... hopefully it will cover some!

OK, I'm not bitching about my beautiful teeth.  Now let's talk about Christmas.  This is the season of love... and that's a great thing, because that is all I'm giving away this Christmas.  That and lap dances!  Get in line, kids!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grrr and Yay!!!

Ok folks, lets start with the Grr....  (This is my forewarning that the following may sound crazy and only I or other losers like myself will really get it!)  So the new trailer for the new Star Trek movie finally came out!  And I'm a little outraged by it!  It doesn't show much, but it shows like a galaxy traveling, alien bashing action flick.  Ok, thank you JJ Abrams for trying to bring the genre back, but it's like he mashed it up in the process. 

First of all, the first scene of the trailer, they have a young kirk driving a car off a cliff trying to be a bad ass punk.  Really?  Really?!?!  James Kirk, a punk?  That's like saying Edgar Allen Poe wrote porn!  At least Abrams had the smarts not to fuck with the Enterprise.  Though it's not the same as the original, it's still has the Constitution Class resemblance of the large saucer section, warp nacelles and star drive section!  Look at it... it looks almost too cool...  

They kept the uniforms the same, but that's not saying much!  I guess he is trying to bring a bigger audience to Star Trek, which I understand.  He at least has all the original characters in there, but for us Trekkers that have loved the show for years, it's like messing with history.  I will have to watch the movie (coming out May 8 of 2009) to have my full opinion on it...

Now for the Yay!!  So randomly at work today, Jenilee called me and told me she had an extra ticket for Legally Blond the Musical in Cleveland and asked if I wanted to go.  So I left work early and went and LOVED it!  It was such a fun show.  It is like a modern Hairspray!  So that made me happy and made me forget about the Star Trek debacle for a little while...

Now I am off to bed... 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I can't breath dammit!

So this is like day 7 of my cold from hell.  I just read an article my dad cut out of the paper that says it might be a flu.  According to Dr. G, I got the aids... thanks Dr, thanks for mocking my non existent sex life!  Its hard to get a fricken STD when there is no S in the first place.

But I am finally feeling better!  I can kinda breath through my nose and my aches and pains are going away.  It's kinda a good diet... I don't want to eat anything!   

So I had this great idea in the shower  (by the way, I get many great ideas in the shower, it's kind of like my thinking cap, but larger and wetter....wait, that sounded dirty....;)  )  Anyways, I decided that I should write a book.  I know, genius, right!!!!  I always have so many quirky story lines and weird characters that I should write a book.  Plus I really like to write... hence my new blog.  So, I am going to start a book soon and I hope you publish it.  You heard it here first folks....  my short awaited novel!

Ok, I'm off to bed.... I will update my lovely blog about my book... but for now... nighty night moon!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote for Jimmie!

So I guess I have a little campaign going on at the Sear's Optical in Medina! They have pins that say vote for Jimmy!! (True, they are for Jimmy John's subs, but it's still my name!) So I guess that means I am running for president! Sweet!

So if I were pres, what would I do? Well, I would make my minions love me by allowing gay marriage! LOL, ok maybe not, but I would get rid of taxes and sleep with lots of people! That should make everyone happy... hello, have you seen me? I'm way sexxy! That should make anyone happy!

Then I would give everyone a million bucks so everyone would stop whining about how broke they are. Then I would make my "Jimmie Government" CEO of exxon mobile so we could all drive a lot!

Ice cream makes people happy, maybe I would make a monthly ice cream social where we all eat ice cream... but then we would be the fattest country in the world... oh wait... we are! Snaps!

Oh, if only Jimmie were pres for a day....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dazed and Confused... in my bed...

So it's not secret that I am afraid of the dark... and not just a little, but like terrified of the dark.  Laugh it up all you want, but it's something that I have grown accustomed to.  From always leaving a light on in my room in the evening, to having some type of night light while asleep... I'm never in complete blackness, well, of course only when my eyes are shut.  And hence comes to the title of my blog!

So my bed is against the wall and my feet face the door.  But sometimes when I am about to fall asleep, I toss and turn and then open my eyes and am completely confused of where I am.  I think the door is across from me and I turn and realize I'm facing a wall.  Hmm.... anything else sound like this... maybe life?!?!  So I usually look for a light then reposition myself to know where my door and where my light is.  Funny, to find your way, just look for the light.  

Ok so that sounds so Jesus freaky, but I always end up trying to find out where I am in bed.  I get confused easily.  With the darkness and fatigue, it hard to find my bearings.  Not only in bed in the dark, but lately I kinda feel that way with my life.  With all the hectic stuff going on in my life (ie:  looking for a job, saving money to move, transferring my license) sometimes a fresh start is all I need.

So now back to my dizzying bed... but fear not, for I am not alone in my night time adventure called sleep.  I have William always there to give a lending snore....

So night my fellow sleepers... and remember, keep a light on for little jimmie! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Blog number 2

So I'm sitting on my bed with my two cute dogs wondering why I started this blog and do i really have that much to write about?  Oh, and my I is lower case which means I suck.

So I just talked to kitty and she is ti-red...  poor kid, maybe she should try to keep the sex at a minimum and try to get some DG sleep!  Jesus Christ Kathleen.... (Kathy griffen reference!... if you don't get it, YOU SUCK!)  You don't really suck, but kitty should pass around the sex... there are some of us who have forgotten what sex is....  Yes, that I would be one of those poeple.

Speaking of people, they suck... well not all of them...  just gay boys.  ok, let me rephrase that, gay ohio men.  They have to do with the whole not sex equation.  I suck.

Just talked to TJ also...  can't wait for RI! 

So negative... ok I don't suck... just gay boys!  ;)

There, i think i have accomplished my second blog!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Today is the beginning...

Of what, I have not a damn clue. But I thought I would start blogging. Sometimes i think I sound intellectual when I blog... Sometimes I think to myself "wow James, you are such a creative son of a bitch, you are so damned cool!"

So hence, my blog now commences...