So this is like day 7 of my cold from hell. I just read an article my dad cut out of the paper that says it might be a flu. According to Dr. G, I got the aids... thanks Dr, thanks for mocking my non existent sex life! Its hard to get a fricken STD when there is no S in the first place.
But I am finally feeling better! I can kinda breath through my nose and my aches and pains are going away. It's kinda a good diet... I don't want to eat anything!
So I had this great idea in the shower (by the way, I get many great ideas in the shower, it's kind of like my thinking cap, but larger and wetter....wait, that sounded dirty....;) ) Anyways, I decided that I should write a book. I know, genius, right!!!! I always have so many quirky story lines and weird characters that I should write a book. Plus I really like to write... hence my new blog. So, I am going to start a book soon and I hope you publish it. You heard it here first folks.... my short awaited novel!
Ok, I'm off to bed.... I will update my lovely blog about my book... but for now... nighty night moon!
Good luck on your book and hope your sex life and cold get better.