So as of yet, December has been the costliest month to me this year, and possibly the past few years. For some reason my money just seems to keep disappearing and my credit card is getting a very undeserved work out!
So I was having dental problems and went in to get them checked. I have tooth decay, about six cavities and I need a root canal and crown. Oh, and I just saw my dentist 5 months ago... Obviously he missed something.
So today I forked out half a grand to get my pearly whites back in shape and still need a root canal. I wish I could have said that I don't brush or something for why I deserve this, but no. I brush. I floss semi regularly. I drink lots of water and cut back my sugar intake, but no. I have about few grand worth of improvement to be done. Thank God for dental insurance... hopefully it will cover some!
OK, I'm not bitching about my beautiful teeth. Now let's talk about Christmas. This is the season of love... and that's a great thing, because that is all I'm giving away this Christmas. That and lap dances! Get in line, kids!
Sorry to hear about the dental problems :( Hopefully you'll be good as new. My sister recently had to have a few fillings and the dentist told her it's an age thing. No matter how good we take care of our teeth, they age just like the rest of us and get weak. Don't feel bad, I know you have superb dental habits!