Ok folks, lets start with the Grr.... (This is my forewarning that the following may sound crazy and only I or other losers like myself will really get it!) So the new trailer for the new Star Trek movie finally came out! And I'm a little outraged by it! It doesn't show much, but it shows like a galaxy traveling, alien bashing action flick. Ok, thank you JJ Abrams for trying to bring the genre back, but it's like he mashed it up in the process.
First of all, the first scene of the trailer, they have a young kirk driving a car off a cliff trying to be a bad ass punk. Really? Really?!?! James Kirk, a punk? That's like saying Edgar Allen Poe wrote porn! At least Abrams had the smarts not to fuck with the Enterprise. Though it's not the same as the original, it's still has the Constitution Class resemblance of the large saucer section, warp nacelles and star drive section! Look at it... it looks almost too cool...
They kept the uniforms the same, but that's not saying much! I guess he is trying to bring a bigger audience to Star Trek, which I understand. He at least has all the original characters in there, but for us Trekkers that have loved the show for years, it's like messing with history. I will have to watch the movie (coming out May 8 of 2009) to have my full opinion on it...
Now for the Yay!! So randomly at work today, Jenilee called me and told me she had an extra ticket for Legally Blond the Musical in Cleveland and asked if I wanted to go. So I left work early and went and LOVED it! It was such a fun show. It is like a modern Hairspray! So that made me happy and made me forget about the Star Trek debacle for a little while...
Now I am off to bed...