So a few years back I wrote a blog about shirts at the back of my closet, and how I just had moved and I felt all discombobulated and out of sorts but it all worked out for the the best...
Well this one is titled "Where is my power cord?" I feel more organized in this move and under way happier circumstances and for the most part things are going great. But I get something all set up and about to get it running... and I lost my power cord. For example... I just unpacked my desk top, connect everything, get the power strip ready, I am good to go and come to the realization I had left my main power cord at home...grr! And that is how I am kinda feeling now. I planned. I packed. I organized my life. I packed my kids. And I feel I'm ready to get this thing running smooth and I forgot my power cord! (That is speaking metaphorically, if you have not caught on yet).
Bumps... those crazy things. I like to hit them... and not slowly, but fast, where they kinda hurt, are not really fun, and damn did they do a number to my shocks. But I am now the wiser to take the next bump more slowly. But damn those bumps!
So here I am, I'm smart, and young and beautiful and have beautiful kids and a wonderful partner and I keep asking my self... now what? Has anyone seen my damn power cord?!?!