Ok, So I have had quite a few people wondering about my date(s). So I thought, hello, I have technology, let me blog about it! I know it has been a while, but Jimmie is busy and has had no social life till recently.
OK! So here it goes. Dr. Dick (and yes he is totally ok me/us calling him that!) texted me two Sundays ago. We went out last Wed night and last Sunday. Here is the scoop!! The dates went GREAT! I am still kind of in shock that there are smart, educated, witty gay men out there... I'm not alone... heyo!
We went to dinner both nights and talked... and talked and talked.. It was great! His name is Dr. Richard Cowen and is a pediatric psychologist. He teaches at Kent State, is part owner of a practice and is smart and a great conversationalist. This one might be a keeper kids.
So, we have the next few dates planned out, including Valentine's day. Now, we both made it clear that we are not doing anything big, especially because we just started to see each other and do NOT want to rush into anything. But I do have to say, this is the first time in like three years I have a date, I mean a real date, other than Jen.... though I love her, but she has a vagina, and we all know how I feel about those! So yes, I am quite excited to see where this goes. Though I do not want to jinx myself. But Yay!!!
Things are going slow and we are not being very gay about things, and when I say gay, I mean we are not twinks trying to get our groove thang on. He has been a gentleman, but even more amazing, so have I! :)
So, needless to say, thank you everyone for being interested in this. I know I don't date much and it is kinda nice to have something good to talk about. I'm praying it keeps getting better!