So I was once told that like most produce and fresh foods, friends sometimes come with expiration dates. I thought this ludicrous at first, but after my 28 years of living, I think this might be true... People come and people go, then people pop right back up again, but I truly believe they were brought into your life for a reason.
I just feel lately that I'm very disconnected with some of my friends. Ones that live far away and just around the corner. I feel like I'm losing grip on who my close friends are and if it's worth the effort.
I just feel like there is not enough time in the day to keep in contact with everyone I would like to keep in contact with, and even when you have really close friendships with someone, it just seems like over time, they can dwindle and even when you do talk to them, there seems to be not much to say, even though the world around yourself is changing.
I try to do my part... keep up with phone calls, facebook, email, even try to make dinner dates. Is it bad that I take it as a personal affront that some of my friends cancel on me.... again and again. Is it something is their or my conscience saying that our expiration date has or is about to arrive.
Sometimes I just want to give up on certain people, even though we have a history together. But it's hard trying to keep up with everyone's lives when it feels like they don't want to keep up with yours...
Hmmm.... food for thought.....